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Enterprise Data Analytics

As the digital transformation of traditional businesses continues to grow, so do their data assets. These need to be used to gain new and deeper insights into business processes. This way, possible correlations can be discovered.



In the companies that have come into the world digitally (Amazon, Google, Facebook, etc.), the technical tools and processes have emerged that can now be used for the holistic view of all data accumulating in the company.

All services at a glance

Enterprise Data Analytics

With a wide range of solutions and services, Datasense Consulting can help you systematically unlock the potential from all the data your company generates and significantly increase the value created from both existing and new data assets.

Our focus is on the following questions:


  • What data is actually available in the company?

  • Which of this data has not yet been used at all or only sporadically with regard to enterprise data analytics?

  • How can the data be used to make better predictions about business development?

  • Are there hidden correlations between these data and how can they be identified and used consistently?

  • What result can be expected when certain parameters are changed and other aspects are included in analyses?


To answer these questions, it is first important to create a general understanding within the company of what enterprise data analytics actually is, what it does, and how it can be used profitably.

Our offer: Workshop "Impulse Enterprise Data Analytics

This is what distinguishes us from others!

With enterprise data analytics, we see the holistic approach and also implement this together with our customers.

We assume that most companies already have solutions for data analytics in use in the various areas. We take care to use existing solutions and know-how and to extend them with the necessary components so that the requirements can be implemented and the goals achieved.

We do not pick out individual hype areas, but combine existing components with the achievements of Big Data and Data Science.

We understand that Big Data and Business Intelligence have different approaches, but we also see many similarities. And we want to use the best of both worlds for the respective use case.

Especially for asset-managing financial institutions, DataSense Consulting has a modern solution for risk and asset management.

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+43 1 373 1212

Contact Graz

+43 316 71 1212

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Adresse in Mödling

Hauptstrasse 57/2

A - 2340 Mödling bei Wien

Adresse in Graz

Liebenauer Hauptstrasse 2-6

A-8041 Graz

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