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Application development
and operation

We take over and operate your application

Not every company fits the out-of-the-box solution of a well-known manufacturer. The reasons for this are manifold: such as a unique business model that is difficult to mirror in a third-party system, or a new business idea that has the potential to become a USP for the company, or simply historically grown systems.


For example, some companies primarily run applications that have either been precisely adapted to the business over the years or have grown with the company.

Sooner or later, the conclusion is reached that the effort required for operation, further development or modernization is becoming too great, especially when the colleagues who have been behind the system since the beginning are slowly retiring.

How we can
support you

As a software house with broad experience in multiple technologies, we have the methodology and manpower to adopt and operate customers' applications.



The starting point can be a legacy system or a new product at the MPV or prototype stage that requires enterprise-level support as the business continues to grow.

Our method can be briefly described as "shift-and-lift".



  • That is: after careful analysis we take over the ACTUAL state of the system, continue to operate it at the customer's site or in the cloud of his choice.

  • Then: after ensuring the service level, we undertake any modernization work (for old systems) or take over further functional development, which of course has been agreed with customers in advance.



Support and customer inquiries are consolidated and answered in our central support team - by phone, email or support chat, depending on the service level.

Abstrakter Hintergrund

Be surprised how well shift-and-lift works!

Arrange a free & non-binding consultation

Main Contact

+43 1 373 1212

Contact Graz

+43 316 71 1212

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Adresse in Mödling

Hauptstrasse 57/2

A - 2340 Mödling bei Wien

Adresse in Graz

Liebenauer Hauptstrasse 2-6

A-8041 Graz

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